

1. Scientific reports - Top 100 in Chemistry (2020) - High-Throughput Screening to Predict Chemical-Assay Interference

2. NIEHS paper of the year (2020) - New tool predicts chemical effects on human body

3. NIH Summer Research Mentor Award (2019) – Summer student fellowship.

4. French bioinformatics society (SFBI) (2018) – travel grant (500€).

5. Magnus Ehrnrooth’s foundation (2016) - graduate student fellowship (3,000€).

6. KAKSIN program (2016) - Mobility fellowship from French embassy (1,500€).

7. Integrative Life Science Doctoral Program of Helsinki (2015) – travel grant (800€).

8. French institute of Bioinformatics (ifb) (2014) – travel grant (1,000€).

9. Mobility Paris Diderot program (2013) – Mobility fellowship from University Paris Diderot (2,500€).

10. Nordfok (2013) - Travel grant to participate at the Parallel High Performance Coding Training at Umeo (Sweden) (1,200€).

11. KAKSIN program (2012) - Mobility fellowship from French embassy (1,500€).

Research grants:

1. European action CM1207 STSM (2016) – research grant to explore GPCR ligand interaction and water network (2,500€).

3. University of Helsinki (2015) – dissertation completion grants (4,500€).

4. French Research Ministry (2012-2015) – three years’ salary position, 2012-2015 after a competitive examination (rank 2/42).

Peer reviewer for:

  1. Environmental Health Perspectives (ehp) -

  2. Journal of cheminformatics -

  3. Computational Biology and chemistry -

  4. Food and chemical toxicology -